Vidya Vahini

Flow of Spiritual Education

Baba has clarified that the word Vidya used for this Vahini (Stream of Thought) means (Ya) that which (Vid) "illumines." It is this sense that is highlighted in expressions like Athma Vidya, Brahma Vidya etc., or even the name Vidyagiri given to the campus of Prasanthi Nilayam which comprises the Institute of Higher Learning. Baba make us aware of the comparatively less beneficial lower learning which deals with theories, inferences, concepts, conjectures and constructions. The Higher Learning hastens and expands the universal urge to know and become Truth, Goodness and Beauty, Sathyam, Sivam, Sundaram. The human race has to voyage on an even keel; it is learning too alarmingly towards the briny grave; the lower learning is lowering it into the bottomless pit. Vidya alone is the remedy.

This precious book provides us the chance to peruse nineteen essays He wrote in answer to appeals for the elucidation of the principles which must guide us while rehabilitating Education as an effective instrument for establishing peace and freedom in us and on Earth.

The Vahinis, by Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Published by Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust.

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