by Sri Nandanandana dasa (Stephen Knapp)
Now that India has been free for a number of decades from British rule, researchers, historians, and archeologists can all begin to take a new look at the true history of India. We can have a more unbiased view of the numerous new findings that keep cropping up that give an increasingly accurate understanding of how ancient and how advanced was the Indian Vedic civilization. Now more than ever there is a serious lack of support and opposing evidence for the theories that were made popular by the British, such as the Aryan Invasion Theory, or that it was the invading Muslims who gave India the great contributions to Indian art, music, or even architecture with the construction of such buildings as the Taj Mahal, Delhi's Red Fort, Kutab Minar, and other buildings throughout India. With the newer and more accurate historical findings, many of these ideas are falling apart like a house of cards.
Let us remember that the Aryan Invasion Theory, which was developed only within the last 200 years by the British and German Sanskritists and Indologists, presents the idea that the Vedic Aryans were not from India but invaded India from outside around 1500 BC or so. This, along with giving credit to other invaders for India's distinguished achievements, such as its great buildings and other cultural developments, was a work of false history and propaganda to help justify the continued rule of the British over Indians, since the Indians themselves were supposed to have invaded India thousands of years earlier. Indians were, after all, to be dominated so the British could continue to rape the land of its natural resources. Yet, some of these ideas remain the hypothesis for which all of Indian history is based, at least among those still influenced by what's left of the British form of indoctrination.
However, these days there is much more evidence being presented by newer, younger and bolder researchers that show the falsity of these antiquated ideas. Furthermore, there are also more questions that are no longer answered by the old beliefs about India's history and the Aryan Invasion Theory. The theories of the old scholars are being overturned.
We also see that new students of archeology and history are hesitant to accept these ideas in the face of the newer findings and evidence that keep being discovered, such as the latest discovery that ancient Indian civilization could date back to 9,000 years ago (January, 2002).
I've even talked to some students who are informed about the truth of Indian history and archeology who confronted their professors about the outdated inaccuracies and overtly misleading information that they were teaching in schools and universities. One professor admitted that it was wrong, but she had to teach it because it was in the book the college was using and that's what she had to teach.
I've even had friends discuss with educated Muslims the idea of the Taj Mahal not being built by the Muslim invaders but only capturing it, and they readily agreed that anyone who really knew their history would admit this was the case. There was no argument with this. India had the mathematics (Shulba Shastras) and architectural treatises and abilities, along with knowledgeable craftsmen, to have built such structures, while the invading Muslims did not bring such knowledge and facility. In fact, the chronicle of Al Biruni, who accompanied Mahmoud Ghazni, relates the surprise and awe of the Muslim invaders to see such buildings. Thus, they had to have already been in existence.
It is interesting that the common laypersons are quicker to see the logic in the new research findings and in considering these new architectural discoveries than the academic scholars. The academicians who cling to such ideas tend not to write more books justifying what they teach, but seem to spend more time on trying to debunk, criticize or discredit the new findings or theories that seem more relevant and able to answer or put to rest the age-old questions. Just a few of these questions include: Where is the pre-Aryan language that existed if the people of India were not part of the Vedic culture? What existed in India before the Vedic culture, if it was brought by invaders? If the Vedic Aryans invaded the Indus region after 1500 BC, then how is it that the Vedas glorify the greatness of the Sarasvati River which is known to have dried up no later than 1800 BC? How did the Vedic Aryans know of the Sarasvati River at all, unless they were already there and a part of the advanced Vedic culture from thousands of years ago? How is it that Arabic and European countries were able to make advancements in mathematics only after they learned the numeric system that originated in India, now called the Arabic numerals, with its unique symbol of zero? Why, when we seriously look at the way the area of India, the Middle East and Europe developed, it appears that the advanced nature of society came from India rather than from outside and then back into it? When we read in the Puranas of the advanced organizational nature of the Vedic cities and their fabulous palaces and buildings such as in Dwaraka as found in the Bhagavat Purana, why should we think that India had no amazing structures before the Muslim invaders entered the country? Should we think that ancient Indians only lived in forests and tents? That's what it seems many academicians would have us believe. Anyway, these and other questions have not and cannot be answered by the old ideas on India's history such as the Aryan Invasion Theory.
So it is unfortunate that many of these academics still hold on to these ideas as the basis of their views. I was writing to one linguist in Australia who was opposing my presentations on Indian history and wanted me to admit the validity of his concepts. He was completely one-sided and very defensive. I didn't understand why until I realized he was defending himself personally. I stopped writing when it became obvious that the basis of his arguments came down to the Aryan Invasion Theory. The reason why some of these academics take this so personally is that they have the most to lose. The basis of their job, or their own identity, and their value to society and the whole basis of everything they thought they knew about history becomes threatened if it is proved that what they have been teaching is false. Nonetheless, on what substantial evidence did that linguist base his idea of history? Most of it is all circumstantial, and for a time the idea of the Aryan origins was changing with great rapidity at every new discovery, as it still does. Thus, there is no reason why they should not take a good look at the alternative suggestions and new evidence that is being presented lately, and which show that things could not have happened their way.
The fact of the matter is, unfortunately, and as we can plainly see, much historical analysis is but a big ego trip; theories and opinions meant to do little more than support the premise of the superiority of one culture over another. There is a need to take a new look at reason and cultural development without this sort of interference of ego.
Now more than ever before truth is prevailing, and the corruption of the British and Muslim theories and stories that have been put forth to demean India and the Indian race and its Vedic culture, is being recognized on an increasing scale. For this reason, the academics that still cling to such theories as the Aryan invasion are a dying breed. Maybe then we can be free from their closed-minded prejudice that came from the theories and attempted validations meant to do nothing but support the premise of the superiority of the European and Caucasian races over the darker skinned Indian people.
Eventually, truth prevails. And after a few hundred years of ideas that were purposely contrived to demean the culture and history of India, we are now learning that the truth is quite different, and India was more advanced than the old British theories give it credit. And we can see that these old theories are falling by the way side.
The threat to the Aryan Invasion Theory is coming as a surprise only to those who have not kept up with, or outrightly rejected, all the new evidence that is continually being uncovered, and all the new questions that cannot be substantiated by such concepts as the Aryan Invasion Theory. Thus, it is a revolution that is going in like a needle and out like a plow to propose that the Aryan Invasion is but a fictional account, and that the Muslims who invaded India merely captured the major monuments of India without really building them.
So these proposals for rejecting the European conception of history are no different than the archeological evidence that was presented in Drutakarma's and Sadaputa's book on "Forbidden Archeology." Some people will accept it, or even applaud it, but many will call it preposterous. Of course, when their whole identity, their occupation of teaching, and their whole value system is being threatened, naturally they have no other option than to disagree or discredit. Many examples of people being discredited for their newer findings have already been presented in "Forbidden Archeology." And it is a real shame that true understanding is thrown out when it does not mix with the theories of the establishment. Their bias is there from the beginning.
As time goes on, more and more evidence will accumulate to show the truth of India's Vedic history. As the evidence mounts, the old theories will slip away and anyone still clinging to such ideas as the Aryan invasion or the false history of India's architectural structures will only look foolish. It is taking some time to reveal this truth, but out of all the cultures of the world, it is India that has best withstood the tests of time and remains the oldest living culture in the world. And this is not due to remaining dependent on the views of outsiders who think they know India's culture and history better than Indians, or those who still are influenced by the stories of India from invaders and dominators who disliked or even despised India and its people. Now is the time for those of us connected with, or who appreciate, India's historical and Vedic culture to work to reveal the true and advanced nature of India, which was already in existence before the credits of its wonders were attempted to be taken by outsiders.
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