R. C. Zaehner Translation
"The Lord - Transcendent Without, Immanent Within"
"None hath attained to thy sovereignty and power, None to thine undaunted spirit,—none."
1. This whole universe must be pervaded by a Lord
—Whatever moves in this moving world.
Abandon it, and then enjoy:
Covet not the goods of anyone at all.
2. Performing ritual works on earth a man
May wish to live a hundred years:
This, not otherwise, is true for thee;
A man is not defiled by works.
3. Some worlds there are called "devilish"
In blind darkness swathed:
To these at death such folk pass on
As seek to slay the (Higher) Self.
4. UnmovingOneswifter than thought (manas),—
The gods could not seize hold of It as it sped before (them):
Standing, It overtakes (all) others as they run;
In It the wind incites activity.
5. It moves. It moves not.
It is far, yet It is near:
It is within this whole universe,
And yet It is without it.
6. Those who see all beings in the Self,
And the Self in all beings
Will never shrink from It.
7. When once one understands that in oneself
(Of) the greater Self become all beings,
When once one has seen the unity,
What room is there for sorrow?
What room for perplexity?
8. He, the wise Sage, all-conquering, self-existent,
Encompassed that which is resplendent,
Incorporeal, invulnerable,
Devoid of sinews, pure, unpierced by evil:
(All) things He ordered each according to its nature
For years unending.
9. Blind darkness enter they
Who revere only the transcendent (or unrevealed):
Into a darkness blinder yet
(Go they) who delight only in the immanent (or revealed).
10. Other, they say, than what becomes,
Other, they say, than what does not become:
So from wise men have we heard
Who instructed us therein.
11. Coming to be and perishing,—
Who knows these both together,
By "perishing" surpasses death,
By "coming to be" wins deathlessness.
12. Blind darkness enter they
Who reverence unwisdom:
Into a darkness blinder yet
(Go they) who delight in wisdom.
13. Other, they say, than wisdom,
Other than unwisdom (too), they say:
So from wise men have we heard
Who instructed us therein.
14. Wisdom and unwisdom—
Who knows these both together,
By "unwisdom" surpasses death,
By "wisdom" reaches deathlessness.
15. Wind and immortal breath,
And then this body whose end is in ashes:
Om, O mind remember; what's done remember;
O mind remember; what's done remember.
16. Lead us, O god of fire, along fair paths to riches,
Thou who knowest every way;
Repel from us the fault that leads astray.
May we compile for thee a most fulsome hymn of homage.
17. The face of truth is hidden
By the golden vessel (of the sun):
That person yonder (hidden) in the sun,
I in truth am He.
18. O Lord of the Path, single seer, O god of death, O sun, born of the Lord of Creations,
Display thy rays, diffuse thy light;
That form of thine which is most fair I see:
That Person yonder, (hidden), I am He.
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