Basic Tenets

These are the basic tenets or the pillars upon which the entire superstructure of what is called Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) is built — like a huge multi-storied skyscraper.

Is the universal odering principal and the code for leading one's life that encompasses all aspects of our lives.
The divine Law of Action that lays forth the results of free-willed actions, which leave their imprint on the Self, called as atman.
Transmigration, evolution through rebirth back to Godhead. The atman's transmigration through a cycle of birth and death, until it attains moksha, is governed by karma.
The Ultimate Reality that is unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent which is the Divine Ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond in this Universe.
The Individual Conciousness or the non-material Self, which is distinct from both the manas (mind) and the stula sarira (gross physical body). This real self is beyond the temporary designations we normally ascribe to ourselves, in terms of race, gender, species and nationality.
Īshvara / bhagavan
The Supreme Brahman although One and Inconceivable, in order to interact with the physical universe which is projection of Itself, Brahman takes on a personal aspect known as Isvara.
The Trinity (literally indicating three forms or trinity), is the representation of the three projections of the Supreme Reality, each with a specific cosmic function. These manifestations are that of Brahma (serving the cosmic function of creation), Vishnu (serving the cosmic function of renewal and preservation), and Shiva (serving the cosmic function of dissolution or destruction that precedes re-creation).
Unreal or deceptive image of the creation and the illusion of a limited, purely physical and mental reality in which our everyday consciousness has become entangled, a veiling of the true, unitary Self, also known as Brahman.
Spiritual Preceptor — Sanatana Dharma is a living, experiential religion and therefore the centrality of the spiritual preceptor (guru) is absolute.
The focusing of attention on a particular spiritual idea in continuous meditation.
The spiritual effort and the means of self-realization, is the practice that leads to enlightenment or spiritual knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
The practice of being in the presence of the wise, in whose company it is easier to learn and practice.
The Path of Self-Realization. Liberation of every Atman through a variety of paths, such as bhakti (devotion), karma (action) and Jñana (knowledge).
mukti / moksha
Liberation from this material existence and samsara (cycle of birth and death), to join, reach or develop a relationship with the Brahman (Universal Spirit), is known as moksha, which is the ultimate goal of Hindus.
Syllables, inaudible or vocalized, that are repeated during meditation.
Life energy that permeates the atmosphere, enters the human being through the breath, and can be directed by thought.
The universal becoming.
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