Schools Of Thought
The six darsanas or ways of seeing things, usually called the six systems or six different schools of thought. The six schools of philosophy are the six instruments of true teaching or the six demonstrations of Truth. Each school has developed, systematised and correlated the various parts of the Vedas in its own way. Each system has its Sutrakara, i.e., the one great Rishi who systematised the doctrines of the school and put them in short aphorisms or Sutras.
All forms of Vedanta are drawn primarily from the Upanishads, a set of philosophical and instructive Vedic scriptures, which deal mainly with forms of meditation.
Yoga Darsana
Is among the Shad-Darsana or the six schools of Indian philosophy. The Aim of Yoga is the attainment of Moksha or Salvation. To attain this state of ultimate bliss, Yoga describes an eight-fold path called "Ashtaanga Yoga".
Schools of Saiva
Six most notable Saiva schools are Saiva Siddhanta, Pashupata Saiva, Kashmir Saiva, Vira Saiva, Siddha Siddhanta and Siva Advaita.
"System, rule; logic." A system of logical realism, known for its systems of logic and epistemology and concerned with the means of acquiring right knowledge. Its tools of enquiry and rules for argumentation were adopted by all schools of Hinduism.
Tantras are divided along sectarian lines and reflect the religious beliefs and practices of medieval India. They deal with four different subjects: philosophy, yoga or concentration techniques, ritual (including the making of icons and the building of temples), and the conduct of religious worship and social practice.
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