
moha (the delusion caused by false evaluation). The delusion that some people are nearer to one than others and the desire to please them more than others, leading to exertions for earning and accumulating for their sake. It makes a false thing appear as true. The world appears as real on account of moha. The body is mistaken for atman (or pure Self) owing to the delusive influence of moha. Regarded as one of the arishadvarga (six passions of mind) or enemies of desire, the others being kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), mada (pride) and matsarya (jealousy).

moha does three things:

  1. It creates the idea of 'mineness' — my wife, my son, my house, etc.
  2. It produces infatuated love and attachment for body, wife, son and property.
  3. It creates the 'Nitya-Buddhi' (the idea of stability) in the perishable objects of the world and 'Dehatma-Buddhi'.



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