Pancadashânga Yoga

Pancadashânga Yoga, the training of the 15 limbs:
i) yama, moral discipline
(ii) niyama, restraint
(iii) tyâga, renunciation
(iv) mauna, silence
(v) desha, right place
(vi) kâla, right time
(vii) âsana, posture
(viii) mûla-bandha, root lock
(ix) deha-samya, bodily equilibrium
(x) dhrik-sthiti, stability of vision
(xi) prâna-samrodha, control of the life force
(xii) pratyâhâra, sensory inhibition
(xiii) dhâranâ, concentration
(xiv) âtma-dhyâna, meditation upon the Self and
(xv) samâdhi, ecstasy


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